Monday, July 27, 2009

Logon Message

If you want to customize your PC and display something before a user can log in into the system, you can do so by following these steps:
  • Start
  • Run/Regedit
  • Microsoft
  • Windows NT
  • CurrentVersion
  • Winlogon.
  • Value Name: LogonPrompt
    Data Type: REG_
    SZ (String Value)
  • Create a new string value named 'LogonPrompt' and enter the text you want to display. The default message is: 'Enter a user name and password that is valid for this system.' This feature can be used in conjunction with the Legal Notice Dialog Box Before Logon tweak.

Change Icon's Vertical Spacing

Depending on your screen resolution, a certain number of icons fit in each auto-arranged column along the desktop. For example, if your resolution is set to 800 x 600 pixels, 7 icons fit in each column.

Want to get more icons to fit on your desktop without changing your screen resolution? Here's how to adjust your icon spacing:

  • Right-click the desktop, and then click Properties.
  • In the Display Properties dialog box, click the Appearance tab, and then click Advanced.
  • In the Item box, click Icon Spacing (Vertical).
  • Decrease the size, click OK, then click Apply to see the result on screen.
  • When you're happy with the results, click OK.

On our system, going from the default 43 to 39 squeezed 8 icons into each column.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Yahoo is retooling its homepage

Soon enough, depending on when they will introduce the new homepage to the Philippines, we will see a major revamp in's homepage. This comes after several other online hangouts increased its popularity in the Internet. Though outshone by many other websites, its homepage is still one of the busiest. According to comScore Inc's recent research, more than 570 million people worldwide came to Yahoo in May alone.

United Kingdom, India and France will see the retooled homepage later this week while the rest of the world will take as long as next year. Like in Yahoo's mail service, the users will have the option of retaining the old design. It is the biggest change change since the site was launched 15 years ago and the redesign came three years after they changed their homepage in 2006.

Yahoo wants to claim back its fame as a gateway for people surfing the web. They also said that the new homepage will make it easier for people with information and services available anywhere in cyberspace. The new homepage sports a variety of applications from other websites which includes e-mails services and plug-ins for Facebook and MySpace. Users can get a glimpse of other sites without leaving Yahoo.

Monday, July 20, 2009

TuneUp Utilities 2009

Ever wished your computer starts faster than it used to?

TuneUp Utilities 2009 is the complete solution for your optimization needs. It comes with 20 intelligent and time-saving tools that will scan and repair errors found in your computer. Once you start TuneUp Utilities, it will scan your entire system and provide solutions on how to solve the problems. It also comes with a fast drive defrag and a one click maintenance.

  • Fast, effective Windows Optimization
  • Safe Windows Optimization
  • Increase PC Performance
  • Solve Problems Quickly and Simply
  • Customize Your Windows PC
  • Clean Up Your Windows PC
I have been using TuneUp Utilities 2009 for a month now and I could attest that this piece of software works. I scheduled a scan every Friday and it repairs and optimizes my computer. I am spared of additional work of maintaining my computer.

You can download TuneUp Utilities 2009 trial here.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Microsoft Office Live

Last Friday, I read a news article about Microsoft launching a web version of the very popular Office Suite, Microsoft Office. I immediately signed in on Microsoft Office's web site to try it. To my dismay, I am prompted to run a setup before I could use Microsoft Office Live. I endured the hassle of installing Microsoft Log in Assistant and allowing several ActiveX to run on my browser. What I expect to see is Microsoft Office running on my browser.

To my surprise, the web version only allows me to view my documents. When I tried to edit my document, I simply calls my installed Microsoft Office and opened the document. I really thought Microsoft will do something grand this time but I am caught off guard with what they have. I think Microsoft can do better than give us false hopes. Although I prefer Microsoft Office over any other Office Suite irregardless of the fact that it comes with a hefty price, I fail to appreciate Microsoft Office Live. I fail to see enough reason to use it over the locally installed suite.

Microsoft Office Live also comes with a 5GB storage capacity but I, for one, am skeptical about keeping files floating in cyberspace especially important and sensitive ones. You can never be too secure over the Internet.

Overall, while Microsoft Office Suite remains the top preference of users, Microsoft Office Live might not be as popular. There is nothing spectacular about Office Live.

You can visit Microsoft Office Live here.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

System Volume Information on Windows XP

Ever noticed a folder called System Volume Information on every hard drive? Well, by default it is hidden and even if you are logged in as an administrator, you can not open the folder. What lays behind these folder?

System Volume Information holds information for proper system functioning. So, unless you intend to wreck your system, you should not do anything to the folder more than viewing its contents.

Things kept by System Volume Information:
  • System Restore Points.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Service.
  • Content Indexing Service.
  • Volume Shadow Copy
However, I noticed that its getting bigger that I have to move several files to another hard drive or burn many of them into DVD-R discs. I'm really out of hard drive space but I have really no option at all. The most that I can do is turn off System Restore but I'm hesitant to do that. System Restore is one of the great features of Windows XP. Should I wreck my system I can restore it to any previous date.

I hope Microsoft will provide a work around of limiting or compressing the System Volume Information. As of the moment, I have to transfer my files to another hard drive to free up enough space.

For a detailed instruction on how you can access the protected System Volume Information Folder, you can visit Microsoft's Support site here.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Transport Strike...Again?

Transport groups staged another strike across the country yesterday. Piston, a transport group, claims that they paralyzed 70% of the public transport in Metro Manila. However, reports said that the opposite is true. The strike was hardly felt and heavy traffic is experienced in areas where the protesters held rallies.

I for one is a skeptic for these groups staging of strikes since it does not do any good to everyone. Employees find it difficult to ride to work. Companies lose valuable hours due to employees coming in late. They, the transportation sector, earn nothing during the strike. So it is counterproductive to all parties.

The shocking fact is that these groups are sacrificing the riding public for trivial reasons. One of the two reasons they cited for not plying their routes is the continued rise of oil prices. They could strike all year round but they won't stop any oil price increase. That problem is on the conscience of oil-producing countries. As in the case before, oil-producing countries limit the number of barrel they produce to increase the oil price. That cannot be helped. As long as we rely on fossil fuels we are at the mercy of oil producing countries.

Rumors has it that oil companies operating in the Philippines are conniving with each other to increase their profit. well, that remains to be seen since there has been lots on congressional and senate inquiries regarding the matter but no solid solutions has been dug.

Another sentiment from the transportation sector which I find ridiculous is that they are complaining the substantial increase of fines on traffic violations. Does this prove that they, the transportation sector, has very low regard of our laws and are willing to break any traffic law for as long as the fines are kept minimal? The rationale of the law is to bring disciple to everyone. We won't be fined sky-high if we won't violate any statute. As to the transportation sector, they need not worry about fines if they do not intend to break any law.

It only shows that they are not law abiding citizens. I ride at least twice a day and I know that these people representing our transportation sector are anything but law-abiding. As one of the riding public, I urge them not to jeopardize us in their devious schemes.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Companies May Skip Windows 7?

Windows 7, Microsoft's newest
contribution to the operating system(OS) market, received good reviews in contrast to Windows Vista's disappointing feedback. That may be a good news.

But according to a survey conducted by ScriptLogic Corp., as many as 60 percent of more than 1,000 companies that responded to the survey will skip purchasing Microsoft's latest operating system. This is not a problem on Microsoft's Windows 7 but rather a common trend among companies who want to conserve every penny they earn amidst a global financial crisis.

Many companies reasoned that they lack the time and the resources to upgrade their existing system. Another reason for the delay of upgrading is the concern of companies of over the compatibility of their existing applications with Windows 7. Microsoft already said that Windows 7 will feature Windows XP mode which will allow users to run applications on Windows 7. Users will have to install Virtual PC and run XP applications once. After that, XP applications will have no problem running on Windows 7.

If Microsoft fails miserably to market Windows 7 as a replacement for Windows Vista and Windows XP, they might be overtaken by other operating system. Google, for example, plans to release Chrome OS - an open source and lightweight operating system targeted for netbooks. Google might exploit the companies unwillingness and gain share of the operating system industry.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


If you are into peer-to-peer file sharing maybe you heard the word. Its is a protocol for sharing huge files across the Internet. It is a breakthrough in file sharing technology since a client can download huge files without putting too much strain in the Internet connection. Even computers with low bandwidth can participate in sharing and downloading large data.

The question that has risen over the use of BitTorrent clients is the legality of the content shared over a swarm. A swarm, by the way, is the collection of peers seeding(sharing) the data. Also there comes the possibility that a shared file is virus-infected and since BitTorrent is distributed, the possibility of widespread virus infection is real. A seeder's IP address is also visible during and even after the download which makes it easy for hackers to manipulate computer vulnerabilities.

I have tried downloading a 4 gigabyte software for almost a week and all I got is a folder of compressed, password-protected files and a batch file that doesn't do anything when clicked. Scammers are everywhere in the web and unless we'd be careful we're in for a trap. So before you download anything using any torrent client, be sure you have an anti-virus. And there's a real possibility that what you are downloading for several days are just garbage.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Resource: Tristan Cafe

If you crave for OPM music, is the right place for you. The site streams high quality music at no cost at all. All you need to do is visit the site, got o the their music page and select the song you want to stream. The song streams almost instantly so you can listen to it immediately.

With you can do many things. It has a social networking page where you can interact, share photos, and upload videos. You can also search and download midi files of your favorite OPM songs complete with lyrics for free. There is also a forum for people who want to talk about anything and everything.

The site is very Filipino in concept. I have been visiting the site since I was in college and I enjoy quality Pinoy music without spending a dime.

You can visit TristanCafe here.

Pinoys poor in 'Life Satisfaction'?

According to a New Economics Foundation-published Happy Planet Index (HPI), the Philippines is among the 20 happiest places in the world but reportedly low on life satisfaction rating.

The HPI measures happiness according to a country's average life expectancy, quality of life data, and environmental track record. A total of 143 countries were scored from 0 to 100 based on three index targets: high life expectancy, high life satisfaction, and a low ecological footprint.

A low ecological footprint is defined as the country's fair share of the world's natural resources, which must not exceed 2.1 global hectares (gha).

The survey focused on the life satisfaction of of the residents of a particular country as a whole. The Philippines scored better than its Chinese, Indonesian and Malaysian neighbors. Its is the only Asian country to be included in the top 20 happiest countries. Scoring 559.0 out of 100 on the happiness index. However, the country scored poorly in life satisfaction - 5.5. A scored shared with countries like Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria.

It is also worth noting that many poor countries performed well in the happiness index and that many countries around the world are still not happy amid the rising global financial crisis.

Read the full article here.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Webyog SQLyog MySQL GUI

Being an application developer is not an easy task. As I am exposed to MySQL, I learned to use SQLyog by Webyog. It is a GUI for MySQL databases which made my job easier. I could run queries, manage indexes, synchronize and backup my MySQL database from SQLyog.

SQLyog MySQL GUI is the most powerful MySQL manager and admin tool, combining the features of MySQL Query Browser, Administrator, phpMyAdmin and various other MySQL Front Ends and MySQL GUI tools in a single intuitive interface.
  • SQL Formatter
  • Visual Query Builder
  • Visual Schema Designer
  • Index Management
  • Object Browser
  • User Management

Download Webyog SQLyog GUI here.

Resource: Delphi Pages

Considering my inexperience in Borland Delphi 2006's functionality and capabilities, I have to rely on the Internet for resources which will teach me how to achieve the task at hand. This happened a year ago when I am admitted to an in-house software development section of a company which uses Delphi as its development tool. During this time I took much time browsing the Internet for functions and everything related to Delphi. Until I found - A site devoted to the language. It features forums and articles posted by everybody using Delphi from professional Delphi programmers to beginners.

Forum members are more than happy to provide their ideas regarding every posted question on the site. I can attest that since many of my questions are given solutions almost immediately.

For those who are beginning to explore Delphi, I would recommend visiting whenever you encounter problems or if you want to learn new things using Delphi, is the best place for you.

You can visit here.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Bing: Microsoft's New Search Engine

Obviously the nicest of all the search engines I have used when it comes to looks. It is introduced to compete with Google's search engine and take away Google's dominance in search technology. Microsoft really hopes to succeed in replacing Google but that is yet to be seen since in my experience, Bing not yet extensive in indexing much of the sites. It is a big leap since Live Search and introduces many features as well.

Bing (formerly Live Search, Windows Live Search, and MSN Search) is a web search engine, Microsoft's current incarnation of its search technology. Unveiled by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on May 28, 2009 at the All Things Digital conference in San Diego, Bing is a replacement for Live Search. It went fully online on June 3, 2009, with a preview version released on June 1, 2009. In its first few weeks Bing was successful in gaining some market share.

Notable changes include the listing of search suggestions in real time as queries are entered, and a list of related searches (called "Explorer pane" on the left side of search results), based on semantic technology from PowerSet which Microsoft purchased in 2008. Bing also includes the ability to Save & Share search histories via Windows Live SkyDrive, Facebook, and email.

You can visit Bing here.

Virus Alert: Conficker

Known as Conficker, Downadup, and Kido by many anti-virus programs, this virus spread by exploiting the Microsoft Windows Server Service RPC Handling Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. It was discovered on November 21, 2008.

I have encountered flash drives being infected by this nasty virus. Although this can be removed by many anti-virus programs which has updated anti-virus definitions, a computer without anti-virus programs installed is very difficult to revive. In our company, we even resort to formatting the whole hard drive if the infection is very severe.

  • Use a firewall to block incoming Internet connections.
  • Enforce a password policy.
  • Ensure that programs and users of the computer use the lowest level of privileges necessary to complete a task.
  • Disable AutoPlay to prevent the automatic launching of executable files on network and removable drives.
  • Turn off file sharing if not needed.
  • Turn off and remove unnecessary services.
  • Update your anti-virus definitions and OS everyday.
I would recommend that you use Norton Anti-Virus 2009 to prevent Conficker from infecting your computer. In my experience, AVG Anti-Virus 8.5 detects the infection but failed to remove the virus.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Crimson Editor

Ever need a tool for developing applications in multiple programming languages? Here is the best tool I have tried so far that has loads of features for many programming languages.

Crimson Editor is a professional source code editor for Windows.

This program is not only fast in loading time, but also small in size (so small that it can be copied in one floppy disk).

While it can serve as a good replacement for Notepad, it also offers many powerful features for programming languages such as HTML, C/C++, Perl and Java.

  • Edit multiple documents
    - switch between documents using file selection tab.
    - Ctrl+Tab brings the last accessed document to topmost.
    - support window splitter to see different parts of a document.
  • Syntax highlighting
    - configurable via custom syntax files.
    - preconfigured for more than 100 computer languages.
  • Multi-level undo / redo
    - all editing actions are recorded from the opening of a file.
    - any document always can be undone to it's initial contents.
    - unlimited undo and redo buffers.
  • Project management
    - manage group of related files into one project.
    - remote files also can be included in a project.
  • Directory tree view window
    - click to open documents.
    - filter to display only selected file class.
  • Find & Replace
    - replace specified text one by one, or as a whole.
    - support regular expression.
  • Column mode editing
    - copy and paste rectangular selections.
    - switch between column mode and line mode. (Alt+C)

  • Natural word wrapping
    - word wrapping does not affect syntax highlighting.
    - configurable wrapping indentation. (easier to understand the syntax)

  • Spell checker
    - around 100000 words were added in the dictionary.
    - users can register new words in their own dictionary. (InstallDir/user.dic)
  • User tools and macros
    - execute external programs with proper arguments.
    - compile, execute and test your code.
    - ease your fingers with key stroke recording. (record & replay)
  • Edit remote files directly using built-in FTP client
    - open, edit, and save documents in remote FTP servers.
    - save account information (encoded) for automatic logon.
  • Print & Print preview
    - configurable page header and footer.
    - print with line numbers.
    - print with syntax highlighting. (used in color printer)
    - true type font selection for printer.
  • Other useful features
    support Unicode & UTF-8 encoding, drag & drop text editing,
    single instance / multiple instances, ability to detect changed files,
    bookmark & go to, highlight active line, highlight matching pairs,
    multi-byte support with integrated IME (for eastern languages),
    auto indent, wheel mouse support, copy & paste, line numbers,
    configurable line spacing, option to save files in Unix format,

Download Crimson Editor here