Sunday, July 19, 2009

Microsoft Office Live

Last Friday, I read a news article about Microsoft launching a web version of the very popular Office Suite, Microsoft Office. I immediately signed in on Microsoft Office's web site to try it. To my dismay, I am prompted to run a setup before I could use Microsoft Office Live. I endured the hassle of installing Microsoft Log in Assistant and allowing several ActiveX to run on my browser. What I expect to see is Microsoft Office running on my browser.

To my surprise, the web version only allows me to view my documents. When I tried to edit my document, I simply calls my installed Microsoft Office and opened the document. I really thought Microsoft will do something grand this time but I am caught off guard with what they have. I think Microsoft can do better than give us false hopes. Although I prefer Microsoft Office over any other Office Suite irregardless of the fact that it comes with a hefty price, I fail to appreciate Microsoft Office Live. I fail to see enough reason to use it over the locally installed suite.

Microsoft Office Live also comes with a 5GB storage capacity but I, for one, am skeptical about keeping files floating in cyberspace especially important and sensitive ones. You can never be too secure over the Internet.

Overall, while Microsoft Office Suite remains the top preference of users, Microsoft Office Live might not be as popular. There is nothing spectacular about Office Live.

You can visit Microsoft Office Live here.

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